7 Lottery Winners Who Lost Their Fortune


Winning the lottery can be one of the most life changing events a person may experience. Imagine putting all your hopes into picking a set of numbers that have almost no chance of making you rich. Then BOOM! All of the sudden you’ve won millions of dollars. And it’s all yours to keep (post-tax of … Read more

11 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires


Want to be a millionaire? Emulating those that have already reached your desired goal could help you achieve those millions. Habits, good or bad help shape our lives. According to Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 40% of all daily activities are habits. New York Times Best Sellers book Millionaire Next Door, states that 80% … Read more

10 Ways to Save $100 a Week (With Little Effort)


Many people believe that to save money, they need vast amounts of determination and steady planning to do so.  This may be the case depending on the routes you choose to take in order to save some cash.  But saving up doesn’t always have to be difficult. In fact, there are many ways you can … Read more

Growing Wealth vs Consuming Wealth


In order to reach your goal of financial independence, it is important to think of your financial decisions in two primary categories, wealth growth and wealth consumption. There is nothing wrong with consuming wealth, after all, we produce wealth for the purpose of consuming/using it. However, in order to set yourself on a stable financial … Read more

Depreciation – A Hidden Wealth Killer


Depreciation is a concept nearly everyone is aware of, but very few consider it when thinking in real terms of costs. If you keep track of your net worth, including value of assets like cars, boats, and the like, you may notice your net worth isn’t increasing as fast as you might expect given your … Read more